Hires To You headerThe Illustrated History of Hires Root Beer



A federal law was passed setting a head tax of fifty cents on each immigrant and excluding convicts, the insane, and persons likely to become public charges.

Jesse James was shot dead by a cousin seeking the $10,000 reward offered by authorities.

Congress passed the Edmunds-Tucker Act outlawing polygamy.

Christmas lights were introduced.

The National Bottlers’ Gazette, a soft drink industry publication, was started.


(Figure 1882-01, Diary 1882, front and back covers)

Early in 1882 Hires distributed the illustrated pocket-sized diary as a giveaway item for existing and potential customers.  The inside front cover and first 18 pages are chock full of advertising copy and testimonials from shopkeepers and customers.  Charles E. Hires’ opening statement was “As proprietor of this article, I feel warranted in saying that in the preparation of an every-day drink, both healthy and agreeable, it cannot be surpassed.”  In addition to emphasizing Hires’ Improved Root Beer’s “blood-purifying and strengthening qualities,” he referred to his product as a “Healthy Temperance Beverage,” the earliest known specific reference to “Temperance” found in Hires’ advertising.  The printed matter in this now rare Diary 1882 was prepared with a very small font size on what are now 135+ year old and highly fragile pages, making scanning or photographing the pages impractical.  Instead, selected content is presented as follows:

The printed matter in this now rare Diary 1882 was prepared with a very small font size on what are now 135+ year old and highly fragile pages, making scanning or photographing the pages impractical.  Instead, selected content is presented as follows:

HIRES’ Improved Root Beer.

It is purely vegetable, containing aromatic and medicinal roots and barks, one of the principal being Sarsaparilla – a root held in great esteem for its blood-purifying and strengthening qualities.  The Beer made from it is not only a Healthy Temperance Beverage, but one of the most pleasant and invigorating that can be found for use in warm weather, producing a gentle stimulation throughout the body, without the deleterious effects of a momentary excitement.  It is peculiarly efficacious in diseases arising from impurities of the blood, and is highly recommended as a strengthening drink.  The low price at which it is afforded, the readiness with which the beer is prepared from it, it’s healthfulness and agreeableness as an every-day drink, has rendered this preparation one of the most popular articles in the market.

The public can rely on this article being kept up to the standard of strength and purity which has always characterized it, notwithstanding the flood of cheap and unwholesome imitations which has been pushed into the market on the credit of it.


The careful selection of the roots and barks used in this compound has been acknowledged by the numerous patrons who have continued its use for years.  It has attained a high reputation for purity and delicacy of flavor, which we intend shall be maintained.

HIRES’ IMPROVED ROOT BEER PACKAGES are sent by mail on receipt of twenty-five cents.

Hundreds of letters come from all over the United States and Canada, speaking with much praise of Hires’ Root Beer.  Beware of base imitations.  It is unlike all other compounds and extracts that contain oils, etc., that cause nausea and debility.  Being made directly from the fresh Barks and Roots, it strengthens and purifies the blood.

The large and steadily increasing demand for HIRES’ IMPROVED ROOT BEER PACKAGES makes it of the greatest importance that it should be more thoroughly understood and appreciated.  While acting as a pleasant, refreshing beverage, it furnishes the most valuable elements of nutrition.

HIRES' IMPROVED ROOT BEER PACKAGE makes really the most harmless of our fashionable drinks, yet nourishing and strengthening the blood.

Dyspeptics will find it to relieve their indigestion, though it should be taken without sweetening, merely making a tea of the Package and drinking it clear, -- a small quantity before each meal.

D. Wheeler, Esq., of Poplar Ridge, New York, says: "I enclose one dollar.  Send me four more packages of your Root Beer.  The last make a most excellent drink, and all who tasted it admired it."

Mrs. A. Lawton, of Baltimore, says: "I was in Philadelphia and bought a package of your Root Beer, and it gave me the greatest satisfaction.  I tried to get more here but could not find it.  Enclosed find twenty-five cents; send me another package.  I have a delicate husband, and make this up to sell.  I find it far superior to Dr. Bates', whose has a wide reputation in this city."

Maj. Wm. Reynolds, of Manship, Utah, says: "Enclosed find one dollar; send its worth of your delicious Root Beer.  The dozen I bought the fellows had varied success in making."

Mr. C. T. Reed, of Derry, Pa., says: "Enclosed find fifty cents; send two more packages of your Root Beer.  I tried it and am well pleased; give me your lowest wholesale price; think I can sell a lot here."

J. Stearnes, Peck Slip, New York City, says: “Enclosed I send two dollars for Root Beer Packages.  I find the article a good one, and think will be able to sell lots this next summer.”

Samuel Bunn, of Orange, Orange Co., Texas, says: "It is just the article I have been wanting for a long time.  Send me another package.  Enclosed find postage stamps.""

Capt. J. Wells, of Fort Stevenson, D.T., says: “The officers and men of the fort think it elegant.  I enclose one dollar; send me the value of this more”…

Mrs. E. M. Sherman says: “Send me another package of your Root Beer.  This makes five I have had.  It is helping me so much I don’t know how to do without it.”

Jacob Boehringer, of Iron City, Mich., writes: “Enclosed find one dollar.  Send me four packages of your Root Beer, the same as I had before.  It makes the boss Root Beer.  I sent a package to my parents, and they liked it very much and told me to send for more”…

C. H. Allen, of Trenton, N.J., says: "Being much pleased with your Root Beer Package, I write to inquire what terms you will give me, with the exclusive agency for this city"...




It will make them healthy, strong, rosy and happy.

It insures a hearty appetite and increases digestion.

It enriches the blood.

It will have a better effect upon any who feel “out of sorts” and need “bracing up” than all the tonics and bitters of the day.


It is indispensable during the Summer months in warding off the effects of heat...

Wm. H. Randle, Botanic Druggist, Baltimore, Md., says: “Send me another gross of your Root Beer.  I have only half a dozen left.  The people are beginning to find out the merits of it and are buying.”

Alexander Cooper, Esq., Haddonfield, N.J., says: “There is nothing like it; it makes an old man feel like a young man”…

M. Sherman, Broadhead, Wis., says: “Send another package of your Root Beer.  It is splendid and no mistake; it gives me an appetite worthy of a cannibal”…

O. B. Cutler, Deadwood, Dakota, sends five dollars for more, saying: “I am making it up and bottling and selling it out; am going to Minnesota State Fair, and shall want lots, when I will order by gross”…

We have sold large quantities of it to Church Fairs, Festivals, Picnics, etc.  Ministers and doctors speak of it in praise.

From the Rural New Yorker: “We have tried Hires’ Improved Root Beer Package, and think well of and can recommend it.  After bottling and tying the corks in, we had a sparkling aromatic and refreshing beverage.”

It is an inoffensive, wholesome substitute for molasses, sassafras, and the like, and even cider…

HIRES’ IMPROVED ROOT BEER now a favorite beverage for ladies and young persons, to whom it gives freshness and embonpoint.  It has solved the problem of medicine by imparting strength and pure blood, which soon gives a person a clear and healthy complexion.

It is recommended and presented by some of our best physicians.

BEWARE!  Do not confound this with other Root Beer Preparations, as it is entirely unlike anything else of the kind.

Beware of the Extracts advertised for making Root Beer, as they are composed chiefly of coloring matter and oils to give them flavor, which excite the nerves and cause nausea.

Ask your Druggist for it.

It makes the weak strong, and gives the feeble nerve.

It increases the muscular force and doubles the “staying” power.

It imparts a hearty appetite and insures perfect digestion.

It gives sleep – sound and refreshing – in due season.

It builds up the constitution and makes the weakest rugged.

It strengthens feeble women and makes puny children strong.

It restores the tranquility of nerves shattered by excesses.

Persons suffering from Dyspepsia or Indigestion can be cured by making two gallons of tea from the Package, and taking a wineglassful three times a day.  In order to keep the tea from getting sour, add one pint of pure Holland gin…

Many mothers feel the terrible burden in rearing their children because they lack physical strength to enduring their wearisome lot.  For such, HIRES’ IMPROVED ROOT BEER PACKAGE brings them good news.  It will prove a tower of strength and a blessing…

A. Judges, Esq., Bloomington, Ky., says: “Send me two more packages.  Was much pleased with the last, and think it will be good for the men during hay time.”

When the blood is pure, as physicians tell us, contagious fevers and other diseases have no hold upon the system; even small-pox, it is said, will not attack a person whose system and blood is pure…As a Blood Purifier:

It removes Pimples and Festers.

Cures Rheumatism.

Will Heal the worst Ulcers.

Cures White Swelling.

Banishes Scrofula.

Insures a Beautiful Complexion.

Eradicates Syphilis.

Destroys Salt Rheum.

Will Heal Old Sores.

Will Cure Abscesses.

Removes Constipation.

Relieves Dizziness.

Dispels Sick Headache.

Abolishes Biliousness.

Cures Jaundice.

Cures Liver Complaint.

Overcomes Malarial Blood Poisoning.

Regulates the Stomach.

Will Regulate the Liver.

Will Regulate the Bowels.

A. H. Seidle, Lehighton, Pa., writes: “Enclosed find one dollar.  Send me four more packages.  It is a. No. 1.  I can sell quite a lot of it if I can make anything on it”…


Add to a Package of Hires’ Improved Root Beer five cents worth of Senna leaves, and make one gallon of tea; then add one pint of molasses and half pint of pure Holland Gin to keep it from souring, and take a wineglassful three times a day.  This will give you over a gallon of the best blood-purifying medicine in the world…

C. H. Vavtier, Burlington Flats, N.Y., writes: “Send me another Package of your Improved Root Beer.  I found it to be better than you recommended.  It is an excellent thing.  We use it in place of tea and coffee on the table, and find it victuals as well as drink.  Aug. 4th, 1881.





Taken internally cures Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Asthma and Phthisic, Headache, Heartburn, Canker in the Mouth and Stomach, Piles, Sea Sickness, Sick Headache, Cramps and Pain in the Stomach, Painter’s Colic Diarrhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and Cholera.

Applied externally it relieves Toothache, Rheumatic Affections, Headache, Neuralgia in the Face, Pains in the Side, Back and Loins, Rheumatic Pains in the Joints, Stings of Insects, or Bites of Poisonous Insects or Reptiles.

Mrs. A. Allen, Cape May, N.J., says: "It cured me of the Dysentery that I had suffered with for years, when all other remedies had failed"

Manufactured only by

Charles E. Hires

No. 48 North Delaware Avenue.


Charles E. Hires Company sales for 1882 were listed as 18,422 bottles or 1,475,360 glasses.